“How will I ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?"


Life is full opposites. We laugh. We cry. We rejoice. We grieve. We love. We hate. We enjoy. We suffer. It is the nature of life so there’s no doubt that we fall into the different conundrums of these emotions. It always has two sides, the positive and the negative. The positive emotions aren’t really much of an enigma, compared to the negative ones. The mysteries of the negative ones are the crucial ones. Getting to the bottom of it requires a lot of strength; physically, emotionally and mentally. This is probably the reason why puzzles negative emotions are always linked to labyrinths and positive emotions are, well, I don’t really have any idea. Probably a meadow or something. Probably a place where freedom is obvious.

We may call them different names but the negative emotions are all the same. They all lead to the same end. They are all negative.  Labyrinth of defeat can be a labyrinth of grieve which can be labyrinth of suffering. It’s all the same. Different terms, almost same meaning. The labyrinths will probably all look the same whether you call it this or you call it that.

Labyrinths, literally not metaphorically, are an intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one’s way or to reach the exit. That is according to the internet. Now, as we read the definition of a labyrinth, it said that it is meant to be difficult. That is one reason why there is no such thing as labyrinth of insert positive emotion here. That is also the rationale why labyrinths are correlated to negative emotions. Labyrinth itself means suffering. You have to find you’re way out, to see the light (if ever the labyrinth is underground) or to see the meadow of happines (if the labyrinth is, well, made of hedges.) It’s either you find your way out or you rot there. Be alone forever. Now the thing here isn’t what’s going to happen when you’re in the labyrinth, that’s a lot of stuffs to elaborate. The thing here is how to get out the labyrinth of suffering. 

Labyrinths are complex things. It can’t be solved without committing mistakes. You go to this side, dead end. You go to that side, I’m back to where I started. It’s a maze, a maze that is capable of ripping your brain into two and making you give up the whole thing. This things, however, depends on how big ang complex your labyrinth is. Some people have it easy. While some people are just damn unfortunate. But the way out of the labyrinth doesn’t depends on the size and complexity of it, it depends on how badly you want to be out there.

If you really want to be out there, you’ll have ideas how. You’ll try your ideas. You really won’t get out of there if you just sit on the corner and ask someone how to get out of the labyrinth. You need to rack your brain for ideas. There’s no really concrete answer on how to get out. It depends on you. If you want to get out alive, think of a non-suicidal way to get out. If you just want to end it, you know what to do. You just need to rack your brain for ideas. No matter how empty your brain is, as long as you’re desperate to get out, an idea will come out. You can fly! Or you can make a map! If you’re not really trying to get out of the labyrinth, the only thing you should do is to make the labyrinth your home. It’s that or nothing. Always remember this, When there’s a will, there’s a way.